Saturday, May 07, 2005

What's up with Me?

For several months, I was a multiple times a day poster, reading lots of blogs and tracking back to all sorts of people, you name it. Then it all more or less stopped. Trajan has done a nice job filling in, but the overall number of posts has dropped. I am quite grateful for those of you who still regularly tune in (and I can tell who some of you are from Site Meter).

What happened was I got transferred from Georgia to the Northeast. I'm still living in Georgia, trying to find a home in what seems to be a ridiculously expensive area of the country, with communities that are quite foreign and strange to me (even coming from Detroit, where I grew up). Needless to say, this has been quite stressful. I think we've got a handle on things, but....

In any event, so that I can keep this thing going even while I am living out of a suitcase, I am going to occasionally post using Blogger's mobile blogging service, which allows me to post using SMS from my cell phone (we don't have mobile email on these phones, so text messaging is going to have to do it). There are some inherent problems with using SMS, one of which is that Blogger takes the first few words of the post and uses it for the title. So, from time to time, you are going to see some posts that have weird beginnings. All I can say is: bear with me! At some point in the next few months, I hope to have much more time for blogging.