More soon.
A little bitty journal about stuff...
"Stricken countries on the Indian Ocean worked swiftly on Wednesday to bury thousands of bodies as experts warned disease could kill as many people as the 63,000 already dead from the violent crush of Sunday's tsunami."I still recall, however, the Chinese earthquake of July 1976, which, as I recall, killed approximately 800,000!
"the 'compelling" point, in the light of present medical knowledge, is at approximately the end of the first trimester. This is so because of the now-established medical fact, referred to above at 149, that until the end of the first trimester mortality in abortion may be less than mortality in normal childbirth."Upon what Constitutional principle is this assertion based? None! It is merely Harry Blackmun's personal opinion based upon his own reading of medical texts at the Mayo Clinic. This type of obiter dicta is what the ACLU is all about: promoting its own nihilist vision of the Constitution instead of a vision of the Constitution grounded in our own Anglo-American, Judeo-Christian heritage.
This whole thing is too bad. Detroit's getting another black-eye for something that (1) was largely the fault of an INDIANAPOLIS team and (2) could have happened anywhere. Nevertheless, I think the charges being levelled against the players are far too lenient. These guys are so big and powerful that they are, themselves, deadly weapons. There is no excuse for what happened, even with the cup throwing (the chair is another matter, of course). Stay tuned for a bunch of easy plea bargains.