Friday, September 30, 2005

Definite Double Standards

ROME (Reuters) - Sony (6758.T) has apologized for an advertising campaign for its PlayStation game console which featured a young man wearing a crown of thorns with the slogan "Ten years of passion."

Some Catholics were outraged by the adverts, which ran in newspapers and magazines to celebrate the product's tenth anniversary. "This time they've gone too far," said Antonio Sciortino, editor of Famiglia Cristiana (Christian Family), a mass-circulation Catholic weekly. "If this had concerned Islam there would have been a really strong reaction," Sciortino was quoted as saying in the Corriere della Sera

Mr. Sciortino is actually wrong about really strong reaction if the ad had used Islamic references. Why? Because Sony never would have done it.

However, Sciortino is correct in noting the double standard. Can you just imagine the hue and cry if the person in the picture had been Mohammed? I am quite sure the Sony executives would have been marked for death and a fatwah issued against Sony (a typical over reaction by the Islamists who seem to revere Mohammed, a human, as some sort of deity). Christians, on the other hand, have to suffer the indignity of watching Jesus, who we hold to be God, held up to ridicule in some idiotic ad campaign for a video game.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

BIG Government

Peggy Noonan has a good piece today discussing the implications of expecting Big Government to rescue us from every mishap.
"Government has real duties in disaster. Maintaining the peace is a primary one. But if we demand that our government protect us from all the weather all the time, if we demand that it protect us from rain and hail, if we make government and politicians pay a terrible price for not getting us out of every flood zone and rescuing us from every wave, we're going to lose a lot more than we gain. If we give government all authority then we are giving them all power."

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Sticky Wickets

"Oil falls below $66 as industry recovers" screams the headline. I am sure that tomorrow the gas I pay for at the pump will return to the mid-$2 range it was in prior to Katrina, when the per barrel price of oil was in the mid $60s.

And pigs can fly….

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mr. Chief Justice Roberts?

President Bush has acted swiftly to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist, who died late Saturday. The President announced this morning that he would nominate Judge John Roberts to the position of Chief Justice of the United States and nominate someone else for the position now held by Sandra Day O'Connor, for which Judge Roberts was initially nominated.

I certainly hope the President is confident as to how a Chief Justice Roberts will act jurisprudentially. Chief Justice Warren (brrrr!!!!) comes to mind...

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Wheels on the Bus(es) Did Not Go Round and Round

Junkyard Blog has a fascinating post (with updates and pictures) showing LOTS of New Orleans buses sitting right where they were on Monday morning, August 29 -- in their holding yards.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Age 80

CNN and the AP are reporting that Chief Justice Rehnquist passed away on Saturday at age 80.

This promises to be a VERY interesting political month or so ahead.

Good News from the Big Easy

Michelle Malkin's got a round-up of good news from New Orleans. Let's hope the good news now will overshadow the bad!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Weird Blogs #1

I am going to start a new feature here on alt-ctrl-del -- Weird Blogs. The first entrant is the WW Club, a blog apparently devoted to the consumption of Burger King Whoppers on Wednesdays. That, in my book, qualifies as a Weird Blog!

Lest We Forget Iran

With everything else (justifiably) occupying us at the moment, we should not forget that there are non-natural forces out there that wish the United States ill. One of those forces is the Islamic Republic of Iran. After much dithering and hand-wringing, it appears that the inestimable International Atomic Energy Agency has reached a conclusive non-conclusion about Iran's nuclear activities:
"The confidential report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), obtained by Reuters, said the agency was 'still not in a position to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in Iran.'

The report, penned by IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei, said: 'In view of the fact that the agency is not yet in a position to clarify some of the important outstanding issues after 2-1/2 years of intensive inspections and investigation, Iran's full transparency is indispensable and overdue.'"
Reading between the lines of this double-negative laden diplo-speak, one must conclude that the IAEA is saying that the Mullahs are up to no good.


Only a fool would believe that a country sitting on top of one of the largest proven petroleum reserves in the world has any need whatsoever for peaceful nuclear power. The ayatollahs want the Bomb in the worst way and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to get it.

Now -- what do we do about it?

Hopefully something -- while we have the chance.

Another Reuters Gaffe

Reuters makes another gaffe. In an article this evening, Reuters make the following ridiculous statement:
"The disaster has highlighted the racial and class divides in a city and a
country where the gap between rich and poor is vast. "
Why is this ridiculous? Because, as poor as the New Orleans victims might be, they are incomparably wealthy when compared to the truly poor in Third World nations. New Orleans residents have a per capita (not a per family) income of $17,258. Contrast that with the African nation of Ghana, which hopes to achieve a $1,000 per capita income by 2010.

Race Baiting the Wind - An Open Message to Congressman Elijah Cummings

The Congressional Black Caucus hit a new low today. During a press conference, Rep. Elijah Cumming (D-MD) stated:
"The overwhelming proportion of black people among the refugees, made clear to Americans by television coverage of huge black crowds pleading for water and food in New Orleans, has raised questions about the role of class and race in the response."

I don't know what the television coverage has made clear, other than a tragic event caused by nature. However, Congressman Cumming's implication is clear -- the plight of the New Orleans victims of Hurricane Katrina is a result of racial animus on the part of the "white" Bush Administration and its "failure" to do anything to help.

Perhaps a few words of explanation are in order, Congressman Cumming.

First, the reason there has been an "overwhelming proportion of black people among the refugees" is because New Orleans (or at least Orleans Parish, Louisiana, of which New Orleans is a major part) is 67.3% black (U.S. Census Bureau, Louisiana Quick Facts [Orleans Parish]). Thus, it stands to reason that the majority of those affected would be black, and not those of other racial groups.

Second, there is a very simple explanation for why the relief effort is not farther along -- there just has not been time to execute a relief plan for such an unprecendented disaster. Today is Friday, September 2. While it is true that Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans on the morning of Monday, August 29, the City of New Orleans escaped the direct wrath of Katrina. It was not until the morning of Tuesday, August 30 that the 17th Street Canal Levee broke. Even after the levee broke, it was not clear at the outset that the resultant flooding would be as severe as it turned out to be. We, thus, are only about 72 hours removed from the first realization that the flooding was going to be a serious problem. (Incidentally, this is far short of the 140 hours that Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. claimed in his companion speech to that of Congressman Cummings' speech this morning (140 hours before Congressman Jackson gave his speech was Sunday morning, August 28 -- a full 48 hours or so before the levees broke.))

72 hours.

In such a short period of time, the Black Caucus (and other black leaders who have jumped on the bandwagon), apparently expect miracles beyond the capability of any human organization to perform. This is a crisis of the first magnitude of the sort rarely seen in a Western nation. And yet in such a short period of time, the Black Caucus clearly expects that all of the victims of the New Orleans flood to have been evacuated elsewhere. Never mind that many of the victims are scattered all over New Orleans, which has been virtually inaccesible to automotive traffic and accessed only with difficulty by boats (due to the debris in the water and the danger of fouled propellers). Heliocopters have essentially been the only means to rescue many of the unfortunates.

Never mind that the hurricane itself made the land routes to New Orleans difficult to traverse, particularly from the north and east. Never mind that much of the infrastructure in the vicinity has been destroyed or seriously damaged, making coordination all the more difficult. That anything is happening at all at this early date is a testament to the logistical abilities of our great nation.

Never mind that efforts to rescue and evacuate and provide medical treatment for the victims have been hindered by the actions of animals scarcely deserving of the title "human being" brandishing AK-47s, who are murdering, raping and pillaging all over the City of New Orleans. At the risk of being labelled a "racist" or of "generalizing", I am nonetheless quite certain that these individuals are mostly, if not all, black. They are the product of the failed "promise" of modern liberalism and feminism, to which the Congressional Black Caucus succombs hook line and sinker. The thugs roaming the city streets of New Orleans and inside the Superdome and the New Orleans Convention Center are, in most cases I am sure, the children of single-parent, frequently drug-addicted mothers who have been told over and over again that its okay to have children out of wedlock; it's your reproductive right to do so. (See Michelle Malkin's post earlier today for the argument that the thugs themselves are drug addicts) We are now reaping the whirlwind of those foolish, self-indulgent policies. Who are paying the ultimate price for these policies? The good people of New Orleans who are not being rescued by the police and National Guardsmen who have had to engage in urban warfare rather than search and rescue.

Had this tragedy occured during the Clinton Administration would there be such recrimination from the black "elite"? I don't think so. This is clearly just another effort to "bash Bush".

Shame on you Congressman.

P.S. I took great pleasure in watching your diatribe on Fox News Channel this morning in a split screen. What was on the other screen, you ask? Merely images of the convoy of several thousand vehicles -- fire trucks, buses, Chevrolet Suburbans towing boats, and the like -- making their way across the Mississippi River into New Orleans.

I guess you criticized a little too soon, eh Congressman?